Performance Management

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Virtual facilitation 2.0 or ‘Driving then and driving now’

Virtual Facilitation 2.0 | Nomadic IBP

Does this picture look more like a car or like a horse carriage? It’s the very first car in history, made by Karl Benz in 1885. The first driver was his wife Bertha Benz a and the driver sat in the back. As people were used to transportation in a horse carriage, it was only …

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The Five Levels of Remote Working

5 Levels of Distributed Teams - MULLENWEG

When it comes to swimming in the deep end of the remote working pool, few companies are doing it at a wider scale than Automattic — the company behind WordPress, which powers 35% of all websites on the internet. This company has 1,170 employees scattered across more 75 countries, speaking 93 languages. They do not have an office, with its employees collaborating almost exclusively online. Automattic’s founder, Mullenweg talks about ‘the five levels of distributed teams’.

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A full day training in the virtual classroom – does that work?

Working Efficiently

Since the previous global crisis in 2008, we have been developing virtual classroom training as a team. Through trial & error, step by step, we have found out what works well and what is not a good idea when working with a group in virtual space. Gradually, we refined our training model and found that …

A full day training in the virtual classroom – does that work? Read More »

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